1. Create a Deployment named as ic-deploy-devops.
2. Configure spec as replicas should be 1, labels app should be ic-devops, template's metadata lables app should be the same ic-devops.
3. The initContainers should be named as ic-msg-devops, use image centos, preferably with latest tag and use command '/bin/bash', '-c' and 'echo Init Done - Welcome to xFusionCorp Industries > /ic/ecommerce'. The volume mount should be named as ic-volume-devops and mount path should be /ic.
4. Main container should be named as ic-main-devops, use image centos, preferably with latest tag and use command '/bin/bash', '-c' and 'while true; do cat /ic/ecommerce; sleep 5; done'. The volume mount should be named as ic-volume-devops and mount path should be /ic.
5. Volume to be named as ic-volume-devops and it should be an emptyDir type.
# first we need to create a configuration YAML file based on the given details in the question.
check the below video too for how to do this task (i have done a sample task on Ubuntu OS)
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