Answer for KodeKloud Question - Linux Archives

 On Nautilus storage server in Stratos DC there is a storage location /data which is used by different developers to keep their data (no confidential data). One of the developers javed has raised a ticket and asked for a copy of his/her data present in /data/javed directory on storage server. /home is an FTP location on storage server where developers can download their data. Below are the instructions shared by the system admin team to accomplish the task:

a. Make a javed.tar.gz compressed archive of /data/javed directory and move the archive to /home directory on Storage Server.

Sample Answer:

ssh <user>@<storageserver>

sudo su

tar -czvf javed.tar.gz  /data/javed

javed.tar.gz /home/

Note: **The Question copied it for learning purposes.** Commands are correct but based on your question the server, user name, and other details might differ, so please do check.

check below video too for how to do the task (i have done a sample task on Ubuntu OS)

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