The system admins team of xFusionCorp Industries needs to deploy a new application on App Server 3 in Stratos Datacenter. They have some pre-requites to get ready that server for application deployment. Prepare the server as per requirements shared below:
1. Install and configure nginx on App Server 3.
2. On App Server 3 there is a self signed SSL certificate and key present at location /tmp/nautilus.crt and /tmp/nautilus.key. Move them to some appropriate location and deploy the same in Nginx.
3. Create an index.html file with content Welcome! under Nginx document root.
4. For final testing try to access the App Server 3 link (either hostname or IP) from jump host using curl command. For example curl -Ik https://<app-server-ip>/.
Sample Answer:
# read the question and find that, on which server nginx needs to be install ( in my case its on app 3 )
#login to app 3 server
ssh <user>@<server IP>
#switch to root user
sudo su
#install the nginx( epel-release also need to be install before nginx)
yum install -y epel-release
yum install -y nginx
#edit the nginx conf file
cd /etc/nginx
vi nginx.conf
# you need do the changes on 2 section as below ( the IP should be the respective app server IP)
save the file
# now let's copy the nautilus.crt and nautilus.key files to the correct location
cp /tmp/nautilus.crt /etc/pki/CA/certs/
cp /tmp/nautilus.key /etc/pki/CA/private/
# now create an index.html with word Welcome! on nginx document root ( in the above screenshot you can find the root location )
cd /usr/share/nginx/html
ls -l
#when you do ls -l command you might be index.html already presented on this location but you can't edit that file.
vi index.html ( you will get error when you tried to save the file>
# 2 solution for the above issue
# you can remove the existing file and create a new one
rm -r index.html and recreate it vi index.html with a word Welcome!
# you can do as below
mkdir /usr/share/nginx/doc/HTML
# navigate to newly creted location
cd /usr/share/nginx/doc/HTML
# create inside HTML directory
vi index.html with a word Welcome!
#save the file
# start the nginx service
systemctl start nginx
# verify from JUMP host( you wil get 200 Ok response)
curl -Ik https://<app-server-ip>/
* if you face any issues in the steps, please comment me under this post.
Note: **The Question copied it for learning purposes.** Commands are correct but based on your question the server, user name, and other details might differ, so please do check.