Answer for KodeKloud Question -Install and Configure Tomcat Server

 The Nautilus application development team recently finished the beta version of one of their Java-based applications, which they are planning to deploy on one of the app servers in Stratos DC. After an internal team meeting, they have decided to use the tomcat application server. Based on the requirements mentioned below complete the task:

a. Install tomcat server on App Server 3 using yum.

b. Configure it to run on port 8082.

c. There is a ROOT.war file on Jump host at location /tmp. Deploy it on this tomcat server and make sure the webpage works directly on base URL i.e without specifying any sub-directory anything like this http://URL/ROOT .

d. You can access the website on LBR link. To do so click on the + button on top of your terminal, select option Select port to view on Host 1, and after adding port 80 click on Display Port.

Sample Answer:

#login to app server as per the question(check your question )

ssh <user>@<App-server-03-IP>

#switch to root user

sudo su 

#install tomcat server

yum -y install tomcat

#configure tomcat port in below section(port should be as per your question )

vi /usr/share/tomcat/conf/server.xml

        <Connector port="<from your question>" protocol="HTTP/1.1"


    press Esc key and type :wq! 

#from jump host copy the ROOT.war file from jump host to app server (app server as per your question).To open jump host terminal, click on the + button on top of your terminal,

    scp /tmp/ROOT.war <user>@<your-app-server-IP>:/tmp/

#Now from app server you have to copy the ROOT.war file to the correct location

    cp /tmp/ROOT.war /usr/share/tomcat/webapps/

#enable and start tomcat server

    systemctl enable tomcat 

    systemctl start tomcat 

##Final testing 

#from jump host 

    curl -I http://<app-server-IP>:<port>/


You can access the website on LBR link. To do so click on the + button on top of your terminal, select option Select port to view on Host 1, and after adding port 80 click on Display Port.

*Please comment on this post if you are facing any issues in the steps, also provide your feedback in the comments :)

Note: **The Question copied it for learning purposes.** Commands are correct but based on your question the server, user name, and other details might differ, so please do check.


  1. there is a typo at the end of the command: cp /tmp/ROOT.war /usr/share/tomcat/weapps/
    change weapps/ to webapps


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