Answer for KodeKloud Question -IPtables Installation And Configuration

 We have one of our websites up and running on our Nautilus infrastructure in Stratos DC. Our security team has raised a concern that right now Apache’s port i.e 5002 is open for all since there is no firewall installed on these hosts. So we have decided to add some security layer for these hosts and after discussions and recommendations we have come up with the following requirements:

1. Install iptables and all its dependencies on each app host.

2. Block incoming port 5002 on all apps for everyone except for LBR host.

3. Make sure the rules remain, even after the system reboot.

sample Answer:

#login to a app server 

    ssh <user>@<app-server-IP>

#switch to root user 

    sudo su 

#install iptables and its dependencies 

    yum -y install iptables-services 

#enable, start the Iptables and check the status 

    sysetemctl enable iptables 

    systemctl start iptables 

    systemctl status iptables

#now verify the iptable rules before change anything

      cat /etc/sysconfig/iptables 

*it will show you the list of ACCEPT rules and DROP rules 

 #now let's add iptables rules as per question

##by the below rule we are allowing the LBR host to access the app server

   iptables -R INPUT 5 -p tcp --destination-port <port from your question> -s -j ACCEPT

##by the below rule we are blocking the access to app server

    iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --destination-port <port from your question> -j DROP

#save the rules 

    service iptables save


##final testing/verification 

 #login to LBR host 

    ssh <user>@<LBR-server>

#run below commands

    telnet <app-server-01 -IP> <port from your question>
    telnet <app-server-02 -IP> <port from your question>
    telnet <app-server-03 -IP> <port from your question>

    curl <app-server-01 -IP>:<port from your question>
    curl <app-server-02 -IP>:<port from your question>
    curl <app-server-03 -IP>:<port from your question>

    *Please comment on this post if you are facing any issues in the steps, also provide your feedback in the comments :)

Note: **The Question copied it for learning purposes.** Commands are correct but based on your question the server, user name, and other details might differ, so please do check.


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