Answer for KodeKloud Question - Install And Configure PostgreSQL

 The Nautilus application development team has shared that they are planning to deploy one newly developed application on Nautilus infra in Stratos DC. The application uses PostgreSQL database, so as a pre-requisite we need to set up PostgreSQL database server as per requirements shared below:

a. Install and configure PostgreSQL database on Nautilus database server.

b. Create a database user kodekloud_joy and set its password to HyAGFRVNr3.

c. Create a database kodekloud_db8 and grant full permissions to user kodekloud_joy on this database.

d. Make appropriate settings to allow all local clients (local socket connections) to connect to the kodekloud_db8 database through kodekloud_joy user using md5 method (Please do not try to encrypt password with md5sum).

e. At the end its good to test the db connection using these new credentials from root user or server's sudo user.

Sample Answer:

#login to DB server

    ssh <user>@<<DB-server-IP>

#switch to root user

    sudo su 

#install postgresql

    yum -y install postgresql-server postgresql-contrib

#initiate DB setup

    postgresql-setup initdb

#enable and start postgresql servcie

    systemctl enable postgresql 

    systemctl start postgresql

#let's Create user, database, and grant permission

    sudo -u postgres psql

CREATE USER <user_from_your question> WITH PASSWORD '<password_from_your question>';

CREATE <DB_from_your question>;

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE "<DB_from_your question>" to <user_from_your question>;

type \q to exit from pgsql 

#now do the configuration changes 

    vi /var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf

            Uncomment below line

            listen_addresses = 'localhost' 

#another config change

       vi /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf

#Go to bottom of the config and edit as below

        local all all md5

        host all all md5 

#restart psql service and check status

    systemctl restart postgresql

    systemctl status postgresql


psql -U <user_from your _question> -d <DB_from_your_question> -h -W

psql -U <user_from your _question> -d <DB_from_your_question> -h localhost -W

*Please comment on this post if you are facing any issues in the steps, also provide your feedback in the comments :)

Note: **The Question copied it for learning purposes.** Commands are correct but based on your question the server, user name, and other details might differ, so please do check.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the tip

    Below can be mentioned as modified since those entries are already exist , people may get confused whether to add or modify

    #Go to bottom of the config and edit as below

    local all all md5

    host all all md5


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